Wanda’s thoughts about tango
Illustration by Wanda
Some nights ago, I woke up with many thoughts about Tango. Normally I do not share that much, because I think that Tango means so many different things to so many people, that “whom Am I” to say what do I think about it…
But, today I had the wish to share it in a very humble way. As we all have the opportunity in the social media to share our thoughts and knowledge, and everyone is capable to read, reflect and agree or disagree what we write.
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. But it was not until I was 17 when I started to listen and dance tango at school … and i fell in love.
I can remember the first moment of that feeling. Doing an ocho… I was learning how to do an ocho, and the sweet teacher told me, now try to do it with me. Let’s do it together. And after a while, and when I closed my eyes and release the control, that magic happened. We did something together. A beautiful feeling of deep connection, where I was more than me, I was us. WOOOWWW.
The connection feeling with my partner in a very special way. Then in the university of tango and the university of milongas everyday, evening, morning… I continue learning about that connection. That was even more that me and my partner, it was also with the dance floor in all the different ways that could be, with all the different people that could be, with all the different embraces (hugs) that could be, with all the different musics that could be… so my world expanded! Now the vocabulary for dancing grew up, it was not only the deep connection in an ocho, it was also in a pause, in a walk, in a giro, in a volcada, in a sacada, in a boleo, in a gancho… etc etc etc… why? Because my vocabulary of possibilities for dancing tango evolved, and I could enjoy, and deeply connect in all of them. In all the hugs. That was kind of a wonderful feeling to ENJOY so many different tangos in a milonga. Dancing with men, with women, old, jung, foranger, friends, family, etc. We were all together in the same pot.
There is place for all of us in a tango floor. The new beginners and the most experienced…A world that includes and embrace the differences.
I LOVE THAT IN TANGO! And deeply wish that this huge value do not die in many “right ways” to do tango. Because every time that someone says that “this is the right way to do it”, it is in that precise moment, excluding all the other ones that maybe has another way, as much valuable as there one to experience tango. Because tango, as a social dance, first of all takes care and includes everyone.
I wish that the kindness and empathy that Tango has do not suffer on the hands of religious ways to do it…
In a moment with so many wars and not acceptance of the differences, I really wish that Tango as a FLAG bring a place, a time and a way to be with another in Peace, Harmony, Love and Joy.
In the paper, the síntesis of this thought.
With LOVE, Wanda
Indlæg af Wanda Abramor
tango-ar | tango argentino
Wanda Abramor dancing