What is Argentine tango?

Why do people dance tango?

Is it for me?

  • Tango is the perfect way of building bridges between cultures and networking.

  • It is a non verbal way of communicating and still you do have the chance of socializing way more than anywhere else.

  • Tango is global and you can go anywhere - anytime to practice and have fun.

  • People get close together. You make friends.

  • People work on the same project and have fun.

  • There is no narrow boundaries. Everybody comes for the same reason. They want to connect and enjoy.

  • Aside for the social human part there is several reasons to dance tango.

  • You learn a new skill that will influence your body and soul.

Dance tango in 2024 - learn and enjoy

2024 is the year we - in the tango community “Baila el Tango” want to do something extra to bring people in from other than Danish nationalities. We want to welcome people from East and West, North and South and hopefully change the story heard about the difficult part of having Danish friends.

Tango in Odense as tango elsewhere is international and for open minded interesting people.

We want to share the joy of sharing tango with as many as possible. Tango is known as one of the best ways to do so and connect with people from other countries. Tango people are by definition curious. Part of the social tradition in tango is changing partner every 3 or 4 dances when attending dance events.

Dybt koncentreret par danser tango i "open embrace"

A lot of good things can be said about tango

  • Physical Training with a Twist: Tango is not just a dance; it's a workout for the body and mind. Through elegant steps and fluid movements, you enhance your balance, flexibility, and body awareness. It's a fun way to stay active without feeling like you're doing traditional exercise.

  • Stress Relief and Mental Health: In tango, there's no room for worries or stress. When you step onto the dance floor, the burdens of everyday life disappear, and you immerse yourself in the moment. The intense concentration and emotional connection with your dance partner create a calming effect and improve your mental health.

  • Creative Expression: Tango is an art form that gives you the freedom to express yourself through movement and music. You don't need to be a professional dancer to enjoy the joy of creating beautiful moments on the dance floor. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, you'll always find new ways to explore, develop and express your style.

  • Social Interaction and Community: One of the greatest pleasures of tango is the close collaboration with your dance partner and the broader tango community. Through tango, you forge bonds with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. It's a beautiful reminder of how dance can unite us across cultures and languages.

  • Lifelong Learning and Exploration: Tango is a deep and nuanced art form that always has something new to offer. No matter how long you have been dancing, there are always new steps to master, new musical nuances to discover, and new ways to understand the connection between you and your dance partner. It's a journey that never ends.