Tango rødder-Undervisning i Tangoens basale rødder
19.10.2021 kl. 17.45 - 19.10.2021 kl. 18.45
Rosenbækhuset i Odense

What is Tango Argentino Roots about?

Principals to develop your leadership and following to dance Argentinian tango. Personal technique and connection with your partner.

Improvisation games to bring at the floor all your creativity. For all levels. Regular 5 lessons:

Invited to: Couples and single people with or without knowledge of tango dance in both roles.

Objective of the classes: Bring new people to the world of tango and for tango dancers develop roots technique to bring more freedom and playfulness in their own dance. Both roles will be worked on as a teaching method. In this way it does not matter if they come alone or accompanied and they will be able to understand the dance in a global way. Topics: Differences between the two roles, own body knowledge and action / reaction in the tango embrace. Improvisation and play, rhythmic musicality, dissociation and more

Wanda er professionel tango underviser fra BA. Hun underviser på let forståeligt engelsk

Alle 5 gange 500 kr.

Fra den 12/10 4 gange 400 kr.

Det er muligt at deltage en enkelt gange for 120 kr.

Beløbet kan betales på Mobilepay med teksten "Wanda".

Baila el Tango